Ghyllmount News

June 2016

We are delighted to launch our new GHYLLMOUNT COSMETICS website today showcasing all we have to offer for all of your cosmetic needs.

Check it out at

We'd love to hear what you think of it.

Ghyllmount Sponsors UCC South Africa Rugby Tour
June 2016

Ghyllmount Dental and Steven Sinclair Dental Laboratory are pleased to support the UCC South Africa Rugby Tour 2016, by providing sponsored custom made mouth guards.

Dental injuries can be easily prevented. It has been suggested that a properly fitted custom made sports guard may reduce the rate of concussion as well as dental injury. Protect your Childs teeth against sports injury. A mouth guard is one of the most important parts of the school uniform!

Particular thanks go to Steven Sinclair Dental Lab. Without his generosity the offer wouldn’t be possible.

Wishing all the students and staff a fantastic trip!

It's a Gold Medal!
June 2016

Our very own John Lewis and team - Ian Machin, Denis Burke, Keven Wilson (Coxed by John's son Tom) have returned home with the gold medal and Winners of the Novice Coxed Fours at The British Rowing Masters National Championships.

Many congratulations to them all. Well done guys!